Appointment Setter Seller Script



Hi (Seller Name)?


Caller: Hi, this is <Your First Name>, How are you? – Wait a few seconds for a response. If no response, Go to Next Step.


Caller: Oh wow, I’m so sorry… I was just calling about the property on (Street Name)… Is that yours?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Do you have any property that you might consider selling now or in the near future?

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Go to Next Step



I’m just calling about your property on (Street Name) - Do Not Include the Street Number).


Caller: Do you currently have any Cash Offers on the table or anything you are currently looking at accepting anytime soon?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Go to Next Step


⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Ok, Got it… Are you looking to make a decision here in the next few days?

» Go to Next Step


Caller: Ok, I completely understand. Besides this property on <Street Address>, do you have any other properties that you might be interested in Selling?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Ok, Got it. Thanks so much & Have a Blessed/Great Day!

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Okay, that’s great! What’s the address of that property? Go to Next Step


» Are you open to talking with one of our managers, or you want the manager to call the realtor directly about the property?

⦿ If they want to talk with the manager…

» Go to Next Step

⦿ If they want the manager to talk with the realtor…

» Okay, we’ll go ahead and contact your realtor. We’ll  copy you on the offer we send to them by Email, so that you’ll stay updated and in the loop. Let me go ahead and verify that we have the right Email Address for you… We have it as, <Seller’s Email on File> … Is that correct?

⦿ Yes

» Ok, Got it. Thanks so much & Have a Blessed/Great Day!

⦿ No

» I’m sorry about that. What is the correct Email Address?

» Would it be okay if I follow up with you next week to see how things are going?

⦿ NO

» Ok, I understand. Wishing you the best and really hope that things work out for you. Have a Blessed Day.

⦿ Yes

» Okay, we’ll go ahead and Email you our website and contact information in case things change and you do want another offer on your property … I have your email here, <Seller’s Email on File>. Is this correct?

⦿ NO

» Ok, I understand. Wishing you the best and really hope that things work out for you. Have a Blessed Day.


» I’m sorry about that. What is the correct Email Address?


Caller: Ok, I completely understand. Besides this property on <Street Address>, do you have any other properties that you might be interested in Selling?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Ok, Got it. Thanks so much & Have a Blessed/Great Day!

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Okay, that’s great! What’s the address of that property? Go to Next Step


Caller: Oh WoW! I’m so sorry about that. Our research team messes up like this from time to time. If you don’t mind me asking, Do you have any other property that you might be interested in selling?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Ok, Got it. Thanks so much & Have a Blessed/Great Day!

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Okay, that’s great! What’s the address of that property?  <Go to Next Step>


Caller: Oh WoW! I’m so sorry about that. Our research team messes up like this from time to time. If you don’t mind me asking, Do you have any other property that you might be interested in selling?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Ok, Got it. Thanks so much & Have a Blessed/Great Day!

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Okay, that’s great! What’s the address of that property? <Go to Next Step>


Caller: I’m so sorry you’re getting so many calls… I know that’s frustrating. I’m calling to see if you’re even interested in Selling now or in the near future?

If so, I’ll ask you a few questions about your property and connect you with one of our managers to get you a Cash Offer as soon as possible. How does that sound?



I’m not authorized to give you an offer, but what I can do is ask you a few questions about your property and connect you with one of our managers who will get you a Cash Offer as soon as possible. How does that sound?


Caller:  We have a marketing department that provides us with a list of properties that fit our buying criteria in the area.


<If the Seller’s Asking Price is WAY Higher than the Zestimate on Zillow>

» I hear you <Seller’s Name>. It sounds like you’re frustrated due to getting a lot of calls and you’re not really interested in Selling your home right now.

We are serious buyers and don’t want to waste your time. Would you like me to follow up with you in the future in case things change?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Ok, Got it. Thanks so much & Have a Blessed/Great Day!

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Ok, Perfect! We promise not to bug you with calls. We’ll just check with you in a few months.  Have a Blessed/Great Day!


Caller: If the Seller’s Asking Price is Somewhat Close to the Zestimate on Zillow (within 90%)… Go on with the Script

Caller: Ok, Great! I completely understand that and would love to set up a call with both you and your <Other Decision Maker>. Are they available now?

⦿ If they say “No”…

» Ok, No problem. When is a good time to connect when you both are free? <Take note of the day &  time , Disposition the Call as Complete, Tag as a Follow Up, and Set up a Task to Follow Up with Contact.>

⦿ If they say “Yes”…

» Ok, Great! We’re definitely looking to purchase in the area soon. Do you mind getting him/her on the phone with us real quick? – <Wait til other decision maker gets on the call…>

» Hi, this is <Your First Name>, do you mind if I ask your name?…<then continue at…>

» Hi <First Name>, I‘m reaching out about your property on <Street Name>… Do you have any interest in selling it now or in the near future? Wait for response, then, Go to Next Step.




Caller: We have offices throughout the East Coast, but I’m calling from our corporate office in Jacksonville, FL.

⦿ If Seller persists about where YOU are…

» For security reasons, we’re not permitted to give our location, but you can visit our website,”- <Then continue with your script>


» Sure, we actually work with a lot of sellers and buy a lot of houses, and we have different roles within the company, so my specific role is to call with the sellers to ask if they want to sell the property and set an appointment with one of our managers to answer the seller’s questions and get a Cash Offer for them as soon as possible.


OK, well I work for a Private Investment Firm that purchases homes every month even in these uncertain times we’re in.

We typically buy them and try to hold onto as many as possible.

I understand that most investors are only interested in Cash Offers which are typically Lowball & Offensive and that no one would want to accept…

We don’t do that at all!

I was curious though… Do you currently have anything on the table at Full List Price with No Concessions, No Contingencies, and No Appraisals?

OK, perfect! Do you think that you might be interested in an offer at:

✔️90% of List Price
✔️with no concessions
✔️no contingencies
✔️and no appraisals on

… On Creative Terms?


Go to Next Step


<Reference Rebuttals>



» Great questions! I can have one of our Acquisitions Managers give you a call to discuss a little bit more detail about what the offer might end up looking like. 

Typically we try to come in and figure out what you would like to see as far as Cash Down, but our Manager could tell you a lot more about that. 

We recently just worked with another Seller that had a home on the market for over four months… they really needed to get as close to asking price as possible and were having a really hard time getting it sold…

We were able to come in at 90% of market value and still cover all of the closing cost (including the Seller’s)… 

We ended up being able to close just 2-weeks later and they were Ecstatic after a long four months of being on the market with no activity!

Anyway, I know your time is super valuable… but if you had a few more minutes… I’d like to verify some information about the house, then I could get you over to one of our Acquisitions Managers to talk more details with you and see about getting you an offer… how does that sound?

» Go to Next Step


<Reference Rebuttals>

» Ok, I understand. What’s the best time to follow back up with you?

<Take note of when the Seller wants a Call back, Add to Notes, then let the Seller know that One of our managers will be reaching back out to them at the time they stated.>



» I know a lot of this information is online, but before I submit this to our managers to see what offer your property qualifies for… I just want to verify the information we have is accurate in case there are errors in County Records or you may have made some changes…

1. How many bedrooms and bathrooms?
2. What is the general condition of the house?
3. How old is the roof?
4. Does the property have central heat & A/C; How old are the units?
5. How long ago were the kitchen and bathrooms updated?
6. Is anyone living in the property right now?
7. How much does it typically rent for?
8. Is there anything else you think we should know about the property before submitting the request for your offer?


» Ok, Perfect… This seems like a Great Property. Outside of me calling you today, what has you considering selling?

⦿ <If they have been considering selling>…

» How long have you been thinking about selling? <Listen carefully here to take note of any motivation and/or pain that might cause the Seller to want to sell.>


» If we were to make you an offer that you were happy with, would there be anything preventing you from closing in the next 30-45 days?


» What price did you have in mind for the house in its current condition?

⦿(Doesn’t know price) – Do you happen know what houses in your immediate area area selling for right now?
⦿ (Knows Price) –  Okay, great! Since we’d be buying Cash and paying all your closing costs as well as ours, do you have any flexibility with the price? 

<Follow up question>

» You say its flexible… What’s the lowest price you’re willing to get from the house?


» Thanks so much for being patient and providing all the info we need to get you an offer… I’ll go ahead and get this submitted to one of our Acquisitions Managers who will be able to discuss the offer with you… That call should only take 10 minutes… Do you mind if I put you on a quick hold to see if they’re available now?

⦿ No… <Reference Rebuttals>

» Ok, I understand. What’s the best time of day for one of our managers to reach back out to you?

<Take note of when the Seller wants a Call back, Add to Notes, then let the Seller know that One of our managers will be reaching back out to them at the time they stated.>

⦿ If they say Yes/Ok…

<During this quick hold time <30-seconds – 1-minute “MAX”> Complete the Seller Lead Form After completion of the Seller Lead Form… Come back to Seller and say the following:>

» Thanks for holding <SELLER>… Our managers are on the phone with other Sellers right now… Would it be ok to have one of them give you a call back in the next few minutes?

⦿ NO

» Ok, I understand. What’s the best time of day for one of our managers to reach back out to you?

<Take note of when the Seller wants a Call back, Add to Notes, then let the Seller know that One of our managers will be reaching back out to them at the time they stated.>

⦿ If they say Yes/Ok…

» Perfect! You can expect a call shortly. Thanks so much <SELLER>, Have a Good / Blessed Day!


Seller Qualifying