Frequently Asked Questions
We're sure you have a few questions and that's expected... most people do. So here are a quick collection of some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions people ask us… along with our answers. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to Schedule a Free No-Obligation Consultation (or give us a call) and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.
The short answer to that question is No. Our primary focus is to help distressed homeowners that are either facing foreclosure or have inherited a home through probate. We do this by guiding you through the often challenging maze of options that you have available to you without having to spend thousands in attorney fees. We work with many of the largest mortgage lenders nationwide and can, in most cases, help you Stop Foreclosure or even Sell Your Home if you just want a fresh start.
Yes. The most common issue we come across when working with homeowners is when they’ve submitted application for one of the options that their lender gave them but were denied shortly thereafter. All lenders are required to make you aware of your options, but they ARE NOT obligated to assess your specific situation and guide you through the process of choosing the best option for you and your family. Before we submit any application to your lender, we Schedule a Free Consultation with you to analyze your situation, find out what you want your ultimate outcome to be, and help you choose and execute the best plan to accomplish that goal. We have over 20+ years of experience in the Residential Real Estate Industry and leverage that experience to help you through one of the most stressful situations that a homeowner could deal with.
DOWNLOAD our free guide 12 Ways to Stop Foreclosure Fast and Avoid Paying Thousands in Attorney Fees – Most distressed homeowners aren't aware of all of their options when faced with a foreclosure AND most lenders aren't exactly bending over backwards to help. This is why so many end up unnecessarily paying Thousands of Dollars in attorney fees to take advantage of the rights they have and could have done on their own for free. Get a copy of this Free Foreclosure Guide today to get the information you need to resolve your situation.
Click Here to Download Your Free Foreclosure Guide Today →
Great question. And the simple answer to that is a resounding NO! It’s never too late to take action, Stop Foreclosure, and Save Your Home. As much as we’d love for homeowners that are facing foreclosure to address the situation a lot earlier in the process, the fact of the matter is that most do not. We get it, its beyond stressful, you’re getting tons of calls & text messages, your lender doesn’t seem to care, and you don’t want to ask friends or family for help because its not something you really want to share with anyone. But to answer the question again, we can in Most Cases help homeowners Stop Foreclosure all the way up to the same morning of the Auction. If you find yourself in this situation, please Contact Us Immediately so we can help navigate you through the process and sometimes even be able to get you paid if you simply want to move on with a fresh start. You can email us at support@IntegratedHomeSolutions.org, Call Us at (888) 290-2826, or Schedule A Free Consultation at a time that works best for you.
Just like no one can tell you how to feel when dealing with everyday life stresses of work, marriage, parenting, or even loss… No one knows the overwhelming pressure and stress of having to deal with your situation of pending foreclosure. It’s OK to be Angry. It’s OK to be frustrated. It’s OK to be embarrassed. And it’s OK to be stressed. What you don’t want to do, however, is to allow yourself to just give up, walk away, and end up regretting that decision later. You have more options available to you that you may not have even been made aware of. You owe it to yourself and your family to do everything you can to avoid having a foreclosure on your credit (for 7-years), doing what you can to recoup as much hard-earned equity in your home as you can, and at the very least, try to be compensated to cover your moving expenses so that the cost of getting settled in your new home doesn’t end up being as much of a financial burden as it would have otherwise.
The process of stopping foreclosure and selling your home prior to the auction date is definitely not a scam, but please Beware! Just like any other industry, there are unscrupulous people out there that try to take advantage of you when you need help the most. A lot of the time, they are trying to purchase your home for pennies on the dollar and could care less about if you are actually trying to keep your home or not. In addition to that, we’re sure that you know this already, but DO NOT allow people you don’t know into your home. Its ok to have them leave information at your door if you choose, but its important to filter that information through someone you trust is knowledgeable with your situation. You can also contact us for a Free No-Obligation Consultation to discuss your situation.
No. Filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is not a “Quick Fix” its a “Quick Band-Aid”. Not only do most attorneys charges Thousands of Dollars ($2,500.00 -$3,500.00+) to file for you, most times, when your case is dismissed, the lender restarts to Foreclosure process all over again. Even if an attorney charges you nothing “Up-Front”, please know that the Thousands of Dollars in fees still have to be paid on the back-end. The only time we don’t mind a homeowner filing Bankruptcy is when there is a reasonable and achievable plan to either catch the mortgage up or to temporarily stop the foreclosure to provide enough time to sell the property. Even in the latter scenario, we can help homeowners complete a “Self-Filed” Bankruptcy with No Fee to Us whatsoever – You would only be responsible for paying the federal court filing fee (approximately $350 – $450) plus the cost of taking a quick online Bankruptcy course (approximately $25 – $30). If interested in finding out more information, please Schedule A Free, No-Obligation Consultation at your convenience.